The weight loss process is not something that happens overnight. Anyone that claims that it's possible is either lying or offering you products that aren't healthy. A healthy slimming process requires time, discipline and changes in your daily life. First and foremost, you will have to change your unhealthy diet and start working out. To boost your metabolism and help your body in this process you can include fat burning supplements. One of the most popular choices is protein powder for fat loss. They come with all the necessary ingredients that will give you energy for a workout but also help your body burn the fat layers.

What Are Fat Burners Produts

Fat burners are nutritional supplements that help you burn fat by catalyzing your fat metabolism, reducing fat absorption and boosting your weight loss and fat oxidation during a workout. Fat is the body's substitute energy source. Human bodies will focus first on the carbs; as you consume food rich in carbs they will transform into glucose which works as fuel for the brain.

When your food is abundant in fats as well, the fats will get stored as ‘extra fuel'. This is is how fat layers are made. However, when consuming the fat burner, your body will focus on the fats as well, turning them into energy and burning them at the same time. Most fat burner supplements contain L-carnitine, green tea, caffeine, forskolin, chromium, Glucomannan and Raspberry Ketones.

When to Take Fat Burners

To get the most of your fat burners you should know when it’s the right time to take them. When taken at the right time along with a balanced, and healthy diet and regular exercise your body will be able to get rid of the fats. Most supplements are recommended to be taken before breakfast and before exercise.

When you take your supplements in the morning, at least 30-40 minutes before your breakfast, you're helping your metabolism to wake up. In the morning, your metabolism is at its slowest because you just woke up. Before breakfast, you let it to speed up and help you start the fat burning process. It's also a good way to keep your appetite under control throughout the day.

When you take your fat burn supplements before a workout, you are getting the needed energy to go through the exercise process. This way you can burn more calories. Keep in mind that taking a fat burn supplement later in the afternoon or evening is not a good idea. They will boost you with energy and may affect your sleeping schedule. Some of these supplements contain caffeine which will keep you awake for hours.

What Such Products Contain

Branched-Chain Amino Acids

BCAAs are meant to be taken daily. They include three amino acids – Isoleucine, Leucine and Valine. These amino acids are grouped because they are the only three amino acids that have a chain that branch off to one side. BCAAs are important because your body can't make them on its own (unlike non-essential amino acids). You can get them through meat, but to be sure that you get the right dosage, you can take them in the form of supplements.

Whey Protein

This is a combination of proteins isolated from whey, which is the liquid part of milk that dissolves during cheese production. You can notice when you open a yogurt container. This protein is big on amino acids, that your body absorbs fast. If you're looking for protein powder for fat loss, be sure that they include whey protein.

It's excellent for boosting strength, gaining muscle and above all, it will help you burn great amounts of body fat. It's more than a protein since it contains other nutrients. It's tasteless, which is why such powders have artificial flavours such as chocolate, strawberry or vanilla. Make sure to read the ingredients list before you buy your fat burning protein, powder, as some products may contain sugar, which isn't quite your best friend in the fat-burning process.


When purchasing your fat-loss proteins or other supplements, be sure to check if there is caffeine included. This is a common ingredient that should give you energy and catalyze your metabolism. However, caffeine might work for many people. It can affect their anxiety, or mess up their sleep schedule especially if they work later in the afternoon or evening. If you don't drink coffee on daily basis, coffee can make you restless. Even if you are, it may increase the amount of caffeine in your system. Be sure to read the ingredients list.

Green Tea Extract

This is a great substitute for caffeine, and the great news is that this herb is known as a natural ingredient that can burn fat up to 40%.
Many people choose green tea as a coffee substitute. Green tea extract is abundant in caffeine but also with polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). These two compounds complete each other and help you burn fat through a process called thermogenesis. During this process, your body burns calories to produce heat.

Always read the ingredients of your supplements and be sure that they are suitable for your general health. It's essential to stay hydrated when you take such supplements. Remember that supplements aren’t a substitute for a healthy diet. A healthy diet, exercising and supplements is the only way to see your wanted results.