Nowadays it's common to find juice bars around all major cities, which has helped to increase the popularity of juicing. Depending on the juice you consume, it can have some pretty amazing benefits to your health. Understand that juicing refers to juiced whole vegetables with a small amount of fruit, no packaged fruit juice. Juicing has been found to help improve the health of your gut microbiome, improve digestion, detoxication and immune system function, and allows you to get a high number of nutrients very quickly and easily.

If you believe that juicing could be beneficial to your health and will fit into your lifestyle, you should consider investing in your own juicer. Not only buying pre-made juices at the grocery store or specialty shops can get expensive, but it's always best to drink juice fresh, ideally within 24 hours of making it. Plus, making your own juice also means you can control what's in it and allows you to choose organic produce.

There are several juicer machines available on the market, from basic to all-the-bells-and-whistles. Here is what you need to know to select not only the right type of juicer but also the juicer with the correct features required to meet your needs.

Do You Plan to Juice Only Citrus Fruits?

Citrus fruits include those such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes. These fruits have soft peels and no pits and are extremely juicy fruits. Because all citruses share these qualities, citrus juicers are made to optimally extract juice from them with little or no hassle. People buy citrus juicers to create lemonade and orange juice, or to add flavour to water or other beverages. If this will be the main use for your juicer, your focus should be towards citrus juicers - there's no reason to spend more on a juicer you won't be needing. Low-cost citrus juicers may not seem like the best option in the world, but sometimes they might be just enough to fit your needs. The extra money you would spend on a centrifugal or masticating juicer could be simply buying you functions you'll never use. However, if you're planning on using your juicer to extract juices from a wide range of foods, a citrus juicer may not be the best option for you.

Do You Plan to Juice Leafy Greens?

Citrus juicers can't process leafy greens and if you see a centrifugal juicer claiming to be able to do so, approach this claim with caution. Centrifugal juicers may be able to extract some juice from leafy greens but will leave most of the juice behind and shoot the greens out into the pulp collector. In order to extract juices from leafy greens on a regular basis, you will need to invest in quality masticating juicer machines.

Are You Concerned About Enzyme Break Down?

A big concern around centrifugal juicers is the possibility that they may break down the enzymes in the food, destroying a part of what makes it so nutritious for our bodies. According to research, the high speeds utilized by centrifugal juicers cause a buildup of heat and that this heat causes the enzymes to break down.

One of the main reasons people choose to juice at home instead of buying prepackaged juices is for them to be able to drink fresh, live food. Store-bough juicers go through a pasteurizing process that heats the juice so it can have a longer shelf life. The heating destroys the enzymes, giving the juice a long shelf life but also killing the juice. These juices are known to be harder for the body to break down, as well as to contain fewer of the vitamins and minerals that are actually beneficial for the body. The heat created in the centrifugal juicing process, is essentially, pasteurizing the juice.

How Quick You Need Your Juice to Be Done?

The speed with which you need to process your juices isn't very important for citrus juicers, as the majority is quite quick. Speed only becomes a concern when you need to create juices with other types of fruits and vegetables as well. When it comes to speed, centrifugal juicers are much quicker than masticating juicers. Not only centrifugal juicers usually allow you to place entire fruits and vegetables in their large feed tubes, they also work much faster at breaking down the food once it makes its way into the machine. Masticating juicers, on the other hand, require you to cut food into tiny pieces, and take considerably longer to extract juice from the food.

So, if you're looking to create juices easily and quickly, a centrifugal juicer may be the best option for you. But keep in mind that centrifugal juicers often have a hard time breaking down leafy greens and may destroy the enzymes in your food. Considering which of these factors is most important for you will help you decide between purchasing a masticating or centrifugal juicer.

How Often You Plan to Use Your Juicer?

If you're considering getting a centrifugal juicer, how often you will use it is an important factor to keep in mind. Centrifugal juicer's motor wattage can range from 600 to 1200 watts. The different levels of wattage and the quality of the motor itself will determine how well your juicer is able to stand up to extended periods of use without overheating or breaking down. Furthermore, some companies also offer safety features such as overload sensors, which turn the machine off if it beginnings to overheat. You can save a lot of money and headache by choosing a juicer that comes with protection against motor overheating.